No rain in many weeks. The one cistern is bone dry and our second one has a very visible bottom. The pool could also do with a top-up but in the list of water priorities - the pool is a little lower on the totem pole. I have become Charlotte the Water Police ensuring there are no wasteful water infractions.
And you know things are getting desperate when I actually have to take our dirty laundry to do at the office which is fortunately equipped with a good kitchen and laundry area.
The frustrating and almost comical part is - all the other parts of the island HAVE had rain - and a lot of it. Meanwhile, in the east end of the island - we are gasping for our last drop as the rain clouds pass us by - laughing.
The forecast for the weekend is rain - so we'll see if it actually makes its way over to these eastern parts. How a mere few miles on an island can make a huge difference.
So here it is April. The boys have only two months of school remaining and are off at the end of May. It's a very long summer holiday - but we seem to keep busy.
March was another steady month with work and activities. The International Rolex Regatta was at the end of March - and Mark raced (without me) on the IC-24 we are babysitting for a couple of years. This three-day regatta is a big event on the island - and there are some pretty impressive pieces of fibreglass tied up at the docks and racing. Mark's fleet is a competitive fleet - and despite his new crew - he managed some impressive finishes. But no Rolex watch.
I have been doing a little freelance writing work - and have had some pieces published in a sailing magazine here as well as some work writing for a mega yacht guide. It's fun work and I've been trying to drum up even more work.
The boys are growing and thriving. Max is becoming much more articulate and is at the age where he copies almost everything his older brother says. Everything is about garbage trucks and cars - with the occasional "bad guy" thrown in. Max likes to take his brother down to our front yard to find "co-nu-nuts" and then shakes them listening for "juice". Pool time and visits to the beach are still high on his list of favourite things to do.
Julian is busy with school - math homework and spelling every night which he has been accomplishing with growing confidence. Between soccer, sailing and swimming - he has been keeping busy with still plenty of time for play dates and outings. Julian has become a board game champion - and plays a game called Connect Four - with such expertise that Mark and I have a very tough time beating him. Not much competitiveness in this family.
April is also what we like to call the start of Hurricane Preparedness season - and we are working on marketing and customer outreach to increase business. Mark has also found an additional niche area and is completing customer permits required for commercial generators. Every business on the island is complaining that sales are down and that no one is spending - so it will be interesting to see how the rest of the year unfolds.
April means Easter and Carnival - so there are many festivities on the island. Will have more to report soon.