Tuesday, January 15, 2008

are we there yet?

I've decided that Julian is a better traveler than I am.

He sleeps on flights, makes new friends (I can't remember that last time I was invited to tour the cockpit of a 767), and appears completely patient with the entire process. He does, however, have a personal assistant who ensures there are treats, the odd new toy and some extra room to stretch out to sleep.

After 16 hours of travel, we arrived January 10. My Dad arrived first via Miami. Julian and I arrived 40 minutes later via New York. All 300 lbs of our luggage - six cases, three carry-ons and a child's car seat miraculously arrived with us - despite numerous connections.

We got the car, met the realtor and arrived at our new house. Considering I only briefly toured the house in November amongst a dozen other rental options over two days - our new place is about what I had remembered with no horrible surprises...so far.

Julian, my Dad and I have been "settling" into our semi-furnished house. There are beds and bedroom furniture - and a dinng table with chairs. The house seems quite large and spacious since it is so empty! It will feel like Christmas when everything arrives. I would love to download additional photos - but it appears that the one item I did leave behind in Vancouver was the camera's computer cable.

The past five days have been very full. From getting a few essential supplies,to getting some infrastructure hooked up, everything has been a process.

Getting a phone line for the house was a two-and-a-half hour ordeal that resulted in the promise of getting a line installed at the end of this week - for local calls only. It appears that I need a social security number for most everything. So I will be less of a risk to the USVI if I am limited to local calls.

Getting a cell phone was a snap compared to a land line. A Visa card can accomplish most anything. AT&T was more than willing to set me up with the best and newest. Internet set-up was also quite pain-free.

K-Mart is my new best friend. From kitchen supplies to pool toys - we have graduated from eating cereal out of the mini-cereal boxes - to dining with bowls, utensils and other luxury items! You name it - K-Mart has it all. Cleaning supplies, clothes, liquor, food, beer. We really don't have to go anywhere else.

Grocery shopping has been a little disappointing. Fortunately, it seems that the best grocery stores are in the East End where we live. We discovered a new one today and it was very exciting! I can't belive that we have been unable to find some good (fresh) fish. I may have to learn to fish. Dad has been our in-house chef. Lamb last night and sausages tonight. The menu has been pretty good!

Today's really exciting news was the call from Antilles School. Julian has been accepted and will start officially on Thursday. The school seems really good and Julian is really keen to start "my school". We celebrated with the purchase of a new lunch kit (from K-Mart).

Still much more to do - bank accounts, utilities accounts and finding a bit of furniture.

Julian is having a great time. His swimming has improved so much is such a short period of time. He'll be growing flippers soon. Mosquitos are the biggested challenge.

1 comment:

Carol Waldmann said...

Dearest Charlotte and Julian,
We are so happy to hear that things are going well and that Julian got into the better school. You look gorgeous and relaxed. Who knew that you could go from Pottery Barn to K-Mart in a couple of months. Good for you! Hey they have great ads they can't be all bad.